Frequently Asked Questions

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What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing for aspiring music stars is like building a hype machine online. It's using social media, videos, and targeted online strategies to get fans excited and following you, just like a record label would for their signed artists.

Who are we?

We're an official initiative by a major record label, specializing in launching new artists and building their fanbase through targeted engagement strategies.

Why should you use it?

Digital marketing lets artists skip the line: Reach new fans directly, build buzz, and turn clicks into fans with or without waiting for a record deal. And when you have one, you still need it

Why didn\'t I know about this?

  • Camouflage: Blending in makes them less conspicuous. People might overlook the key because it seems ordinary.

  • Test of Initiative: Finding the hidden tool shows genuine interest and effort. Only those who are truly determined will put in the work to uncover it.
  • Accessibility for the "In Crowd": Those familiar with the system might recognize the tool right away. It creates a subtle barrier for outsiders who haven't been exposed to it yet.
  • Less Obvious Target: A hidden tool makes it harder for those who shouldn't have access (like competitors) to find and exploit it.